Weekly Review! 6/18

It’s that time again.. the weekly review of the best Jeep pictures and video we can find… this time is just pictures.. this week so we wanted to focus on the best stills

Via Cory Willey… Riding in formation lol…  good choice with the contrast

Via Frank Maciel.. The sky looks awesome in this picture.  The FJ looks better. Great shot.

Via Miquel Herrera Bonaterra.. Crazy articulation man.. Nice Shot!!

Via Del Albright.. we like that flex.. and the Jeep.. it looks awesome out there!

Via Sue Miller-Norton… Way to put those logs to use.. Awesome picture.. one of our favorites

Via Alejandro Ariel Herlein… This one is in honor of the World Cup.. Looks like every team is tied at two lol.. GO USA!!!!